7/29~8/31 Underground Pipeline Construction at the electrician’s room to the outlet of the common pipeline , Vehicle Diversion, and Construction Schedule.
Subject: Underground Pipeline Construction at the electrician’s room to the outlet of the common pipeline , Vehicle Diversion, and Construction Schedule.
■ This construction starts from 2023/07/29 (Sat) to 2023/08/31 (Thu).
■ Construction areas are shown on the maps below. Due to the safety reason, non-construction personnel please keep off the construction site.
■ We apologize for noises, dust, vibration, limited parking spaces and detours caused by the construction. Thank you for your cooperation.
■ Construction project will be postponed due to rain or university events.
Contractor:Hong-Guo Construction Co., Ltd (Mr. Chen: 0931-621683)
Construction Supervisor:Te Chec Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd (Mr. Lim:0922-134676)
Contact:Mr. Wu, Division of Construction and Maintenance 03-5162289
Emergency Contact for Campus Safety:Campus Security Office 03-5715131 (Campus phone:33333)
■ This construction starts from 2023/07/29 (Sat) to 2023/08/31 (Thu).
■ Construction areas are shown on the maps below. Due to the safety reason, non-construction personnel please keep off the construction site.
■ We apologize for noises, dust, vibration, limited parking spaces and detours caused by the construction. Thank you for your cooperation.
■ Construction project will be postponed due to rain or university events.
Contractor:Hong-Guo Construction Co., Ltd (Mr. Chen: 0931-621683)
Construction Supervisor:Te Chec Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd (Mr. Lim:0922-134676)
Contact:Mr. Wu, Division of Construction and Maintenance 03-5162289
Emergency Contact for Campus Safety:Campus Security Office 03-5715131 (Campus phone:33333)